Treatment..Whats it all about!
Treatment… What’s it all about?
Many people are unaware of the importance of engaging in counseling, typically because of the stigma of stereotypes and myths that are associated with being in treatment. These stigmatisms are a hindrance to emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. Here are 4 debunked myths that can hinder a person from seeking treatment:
1. Myth: Only “crazy” or “mental” people need to talk to therapists.
Truth: mental health is a condition that gets in the way of thinking, relating to others, and day-to-day function. More often, therapy clients are seeking help to deal with the effects of current or long-term stressors, or they wish to change patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving that don’t work anymore.
2. Myth: Talking to a therapist is for people who are weak or who don’t have enough will power. “I should be able to help myself, I mean, I help everybody else”.
Truth: It takes courage to pursue real change, not weakness. The therapist is here to assist you in finding out how you can use your strengths to overcome areas of weakness. They provide you with the tools to enable you to help yourself the way you are able and willing to help others. Will power and commitment are a necessary part of the process but it not the only part.
3. Myth: All you do in therapy talk about your past relationship with your parents.
Truth: Therapy begins by focusing on resolving your present problem. Once that is resolved. Discussions about one’s family of origin often do occur, especially if it impacts the current situation. These discussions evolve naturally, such as when reviewing the roots of a particular attitude or behavioral pattern. The focus of therapy is usually on improving current functioning and relieving emotional suffering.
4. Myth: Therapy can last forever, and I don’t have time or money for that.
Truth: Therapy can be both long term and short-term depending on the need. Most outpatient therapy is under 10 sessions. Some conditions require more. Often therapy is held weekly for 50 minutes. Sessions can be spread out if desired. Most importantly the client is in control. The client determines that goals and together we determine how long it will take to achieve them.
In debunking these myths we shed light on the truth so that the stigma can be removed and healing can begin. And the ultimate moral of the story is don’t let a myth/lie keep you from your truth - Your Truth of becoming the best version of you. And, it all starts with Just a Little Talk…