
Everything you need to know
Telephone and video counseling are remote counseling options. Remote counseling may seem new and rather awkward at first, but it has actually been around for a very long time. You may be familiar with it in the form of crisis counseling and suicide hotlines among others. Some people feel more comfortable expressing their feelings over the telephone. and Zoom are more similar to in-office counseling as the counselor and client can actually see each other remotely.
You do not have to be in a state of crisis to benefit from telephone or video therapy. More and more individuals are finding it easy and much more convenient, because telephone therapy/counseling fits right into their busy lives.
Telephone or video counseling can help as a second opinion regarding marriage problems, psychological matters, depression or anxiety, parenting or caregiver issues and more. Consider counseling as a join effort to increase your skills and insight into how to be the best version of you, in a setting of comfort and security. Just A little talk is just that…. A place to come to have Just A Little Talk about what is going on in your life and how together we can overcome them.

Please contact my office at (412) 327-6697 (or the button below) for further information if needed.